Thursday 16 June 2022

I Guess We Need To Add 'Windrush Pass' To The Excuse List...

Judge Michael Cullum told Gayle: “You do have previous convictions. However, I accept your mitigation that other people depend on you - and I feel there is a prospect of rehabilitation.”
The judge sentenced Gayle to a prison term of 18 months, suspended for 21 months and imposed a five-year restraining order requiring him not to contact his former partner except through lawyers.
Quite a lenient sentence for beating your lover with a table leg, you might think...
Caitlin Evans, defending, said: “Gayle is aware that this is a very serious matter. In 2015 he was made homeless for three and a half years following the fallout from the Windrush scandal.”



  1. Was he a civil servant who was disciplined for maladministration? A telling-off can start a spiral of decline...
