Monday 20 June 2022

If You Don't Want To Be Considered A Burglar...

Enver Solomon, chief executive of the Refugee Council, said: "It's appalling that this government is intent on treating men, women and children who have fled war, bloodshed and persecution as criminals."
"This draconian and punitive approach not only shows no compassion for very vulnerable people; it will also do nothing to deter those who are desperately seeking safety in the UK."
... then consider knocking on the front door and asking to come in, rather than breaking in via a window in the dead of night.

And I must have missed the war in France, can anyone tell me who is fighting it?


  1. Hang on a minute:

    "The government recently introduced the Nationality and Borders Act which made it illegal to enter the UK without permission."

    Is this saying that was *wasn't* illegal to... err... illegally enter the UK??

  2. Who is fighting the war In France? I don't know but history suggests NOT the French.

  3. @ Tom Paine

    France has already despatched 'Toulouse' militaires to show Russians the Art of instant surrender.

  4. "Is this saying that was *wasn't* illegal to... err... illegally enter the UK??"

    Well, quite..!

    "Who is fighting the war In France? I don't know but history suggests NOT the French."


    "France has already despatched 'Toulouse' militaires to show Russians the Art of instant surrender."

    I don't think they are listening, somehow...
