Sunday 10 July 2022

It's Schrödinger's Subway Worker!

She's both dead and alive!


  1. Some where in the US? Mmm. That narrows it down a bit.
    Subway? An underground rail system worker, which would narrow it down to a major city,
    or a purveyor of large phallic baguettes full of nutritious goodness, which could be anywhere, Hawaii, Alaska, Cuba, Kenya,
    The shooter? Aim not so hot. Very short fuse. No picture or mention of skin colour on the Panchromatic scale. So I think we can guess.

  2. If the shooter had been whitey, then it would have made headlines, so the colour is more likely darkey-ish. On the Hue, Saturation and Brightness scale, Brightness is definitely zero. Saturation - well, saturated with what? Cannabis - probably 100%.

  3. ...shoved her five(r)-year-old son under the counter before she was shot...

    Why was her 5-year old son at work, near the counter ?

  4. "No picture or mention of skin colour on the Panchromatic scale. So I think we can guess."


    "If the shooter had been whitey, then it would have made headlines..."

    Yes, even in the US, and there'd be the inevitable 'BLM' protest...

    "Why was her 5-year old son at work, near the counter ?"

