Friday 10 June 2022

Keeping That Appointment With Karma In Samarra...

A father-of-two died at the same bus stop where he had killed a young woman in a hit-and-run collision eight years earlier, an inquest has heard.

For 'died at', read 'crashed into'. 

The carpenter from Clapham was speeding at 60mph in a 30mph zone before he collided with an advertising board at the bus stop, MyLondon reports.
Mr Davis was thrown nearly 25m onto the opposite pavement, sustaining 'multiple open fractures and massive internal bleeding'.

No better at driving a motorcycle than a car, clearly... 

Coroner Sarah Valentine recorded a conclusion that Mr Davis died in a road traffic collision.

I prefer to think karma finally caught up with him... 


  1. Hmm. Killed someone eight years earlier. Not in prison now. Well at least there was a silver lining

  2. Are we expected to feel the slightest sorrow at the death of a murdering negro?

  3. "Well at least there was a silver lining"

    It seems to be all we can hope for these days...
