Wednesday 22 June 2022

Let Me Stop You Right There....

The single mother, who pays £1,175 a month for the flat​...

Because if she pays, I'm a Chinaman. We pay. The taxpayer.  

“How are we are meant to live like this? I pay thousands to live with insects and be kept up nearly every night by extremely loud music and screaming from neighbours.
“The only way to describe living here is like living in hell.”

I'm sure those Ukrainians recently evacuated from Mariupol feel your pain... 

“It’s absolutely vile and it’s wrong as a human to be made to feel that I have to just live this way and deal with it.
“After I moved in and realised how bad it was I cried for days and days because I could not believe that I had done, I cannot live like this.

Well, I guess you know the answer, don't you? 


  1. A 20 year old single mother? No sign, or mention, of baby daddy helping out, or her parents. In fact, she could always move back in with Mum and Dad and save the taxpayer a bob or two. Now waiting for a report that the silverfish are complaining about sharing a flat with her.

  2. Silverfish! Is that all? Every house I've lived in bar my current abode had them. Even though they're a species of cockroach they didn't bother me. There are ways to reduce their numbers. As a child I would build little hotels for them, a rolled piece of paper which would attract them for egg laying. Fold it up and dispose of each morning. Your be surprised how many were in there.

  3. Attracted to moisture are they? I bet her flat is humid through drying clothes in the premises with the windows shut.

  4. "I'm a Chinaman"

    Ye Gods, Julia - are you having gender (and ethnicity) reassignment surgery???

  5. Spray around corners of affected rooms:

  6. Sticky insect traps, they won't harm the child and the insects will be gone in a week or two.

  7. "Now waiting for a report that the silverfish are complaining about sharing a flat with her."


    "Silverfish! Is that all?"

    Well, quite!

    "I bet her flat is humid through drying clothes in the premises with the windows shut."

    Almost certainly. These people never understand consequences - because the State exists to ensure they don't have to face any.

    "Ye Gods, Julia - are you having gender (and ethnicity) reassignment surgery???"

    It's all the fashion now, don'tchaknow? 😁

    "Sticky insect traps..."

    Is that a comment on the situation for the taxpayer? 😉
