Friday 3 June 2022

No Longer Simply Killing Each Other...

A teenager who leapt off a Santander bike to kill a performer in a music video in front of the victim’s girlfriend has been jailed for...

Life, right? least 24 years.


Judge Sarah Munro, QC, told him: ‘Shane Jerome was adored by his family, by his long-standing girlfriend and by his friends, many of whom are here today to pay their respects to him and to see you punished for snuffing out his life.
‘He had no convictions and unlike you there is not a shred of evidence that he was involved in any criminal or gang activity.’

So why was he killed? 

Prosecutor Oliver Glasgow, QC, told the court that the music video involved a convoy of vehicles driving in a loop around Brixton Market.
On that route, the group encroached on the territory of a local street gang to which McNeil belonged.

Unbelievably enough, he genuinely was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Fancy! It's almost like he didn't realise that the streets of London aren't safe any more... 

Rajiv Menon, defending, spoke of McNeil’s young age-having been 18 at the time-his lack of intent to murder Mr Jerome and his guilty plea in mitigation.

Blah, blah, blah...

But it's often said of gang violence in the capital - and indeed, I've said it myself - that at least they just kill each other. Good riddance, and all that. Why should the police waste their time, etc.

Well, this is why.  


  1. And in the Guardian yesterday they published a long whining article about the police targeting black gangs. I'm sure a senior officer somewhere is taking the knee and writing a letter of apology

  2. A Santander bike?
    I blame it on Antandec.

  3. Welcome to Mogadishu on the Thames. Please enjoy your diverse enrichment and have a nice funeral.

  4. "I'm sure a senior officer somewhere is taking the knee and writing a letter of apology"

    There's probably an entire squad for that by now!

    "A Santander bike?
    I blame it on Antandec."


    "Welcome to Mogadishu on the Thames. Please enjoy your diverse enrichment and have a nice funeral."

    It's getting that way, isn't it? Mind you, the Thames can occasionally prove quite handy
