Sunday 12 June 2022

Sunday Funnies...

Lies get round the world before the truth can get its boots on...


  1. Often good for a laugh, the daily output of haters and jealous folk reflects a wish to traduce betters in perpetuity; seen in attempts to bring them down with projections of personal failings and disastrous experiences.

    A bit like the blog's ex-constable Penise, who, caught in flagrante with himself at work, resorts to tarnishing any target with his own, salacious shame and deep scars. His stories are woven with elements of truth, such as a precise description of the environment in which a smutty copper was caught.

    Such people cannot help themselves and the rest of us are complicit in the juiciest gossip.

  2. "...a wish to traduce betters in perpetuity..."

    That only makes sense if one has betters...
