Saturday 11 June 2022

"What Does An Elected Politician Know?"

"I'm a teacher, and I know best!" 

Yes, it's the fightback against the Attorney General's perfectly reasonable words on the transgender cult:

This prompted criticism from Caroline Derbyshire, the executive head at Saffron Walden county high school, leader of the Saffron academy trust and chair of the Headteachers’ Roundtable – a non-party-political headteachers’ group operating as a thinktank.
She said: “No good can come of any young person being forced to adopt a gender they feel miserable with. It certainly won’t improve their learning.”

Can any good come of allowing, nay, encouraging a child to believe it can change its sex? 

Braverman also said girls’ toilets and changing rooms had legal protections as safe spaces if a scenario arose where a child born male wanted to use them.

Surely no-one can take issue with this? 

“The availability of single-cubicle gender-neutral toilets and changing spaces avoids anxieties for all those who are not happy with single-sex facilities,” said Derbyshire.

I guess they can! 

“The story is an attempt to whip up an anti-woke culture war, and in schools we are not really interested in this kind of silliness. Young people have been through enough.”

If that's true, it's because the education system put them through it. And now its reaping the 'benefits' of that action and inaction in just the same way as the GPs are... 


  1. I suspect Derbyshire is a fucking cunt.

  2. She is probably not a teacher. She gave up teaching when she became an Executive Head.
    Now she ticks boxes, and devised more boxes for others to tick.
    If she ticks lots of boxes she will become a Chief Executive Head. Even more removed from those ghastly prole brats.

  3. "I suspect Derbyshire is a fucking cunt."

    I suspect you're right...

    "Even more removed from those ghastly prole brats."

    Who can blame her for that, though?
