Saturday 25 June 2022

Where Were You When Vaccines Were Mandated..?

Outside Thomas's Virginia home, a crowd of several dozen people waved placards, drummed and waved flags. 'My body, my choice!' they yelled, holding aloft posters labelling Thomas a 'treasonous turd' and proclaiming: 'Reproductive rights = human rights.'

Funny, I don't remember protests when covid vaccines were being mandated everywhere, and it was mooted that those who didn't get them should be ostracised from society, do you, Reader?

But let the 'right' to terminate a potential life on a whim be threatened, and suddenly the people who'd cheer that on, without a flicker of self-awareness, are marching outside a Supreme Court judges' house... 

Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, spoke from the steps of City Hall on Friday and proclaimed that his city was ready to welcome those women who needed an abortion, but were unable to get one in their home state.
He also revealed that, when he was 15, his then-girlfriend needed and got an abortion. He said he was just back from jail - he was arrested for trespassing because he entered a house to take possessions, feeling he hadn't been compensated for odd jobs - when his girlfriend told him.

What lovely people they elect to high office there... 

'Linda came to me and said, 'Eric, I'm pregnant and look at your life,' Adams said. 'She said Eric, you're arrested, you're not going to school, what future is this baby going to have.'
'She made the decision that was smart for both of us, she made the right call because she was empowered, she was in control.'

Said, once again without a flicker of self-awareness, that if being a convicted thief isn't a bar to success in the modern USA, why should a child be one?

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