Wednesday 20 July 2022

And Thanks To Modern Tory Broken Promises...

Travellers last night sang 'we shall not be moved' after storming a former fire station in Hull and putting a 'lock and chain on the gate' stopping anyone else from entering. won't be. Because their promise to make trespass a criminal offence was just another broken one. 
Humberside Fire and Rescue have confirmed they are aware of the 'unauthorised encampment' and working with partner agencies to take relevant action.

The usual sloth and inaction, while the travellers spit in our faces. 

A local resident said: 'Police arrived on the scene immediately but were unable to stop the whole scale takeover of the fire station which is still utilised by the fire department for training and storage.
'Residents were in the street last night, astonished at the ease the travellers gained entrance to the facility with travellers heard singing 'we shall not be moved'.
The police arrived on the scene for an hour before returning to duties.

It's a disgrace.  


  1. Police could just keep cutting the chain off and taking the lock. Every time the police go by, they get out, grab the bolt cutters - cut the lock off and take the lock and chain as "evidence". Repeat as often as possible. At least it would cost the travellers a fortune in locks.

  2. Put more locks on the gate; keep the b***ers in until they plead to come out.

  3. What DAD said, plus ensure there is no power, no water, or any form of heating or light. Whenever anyone leaves, arrest them on suspicion of criminal damage (to the building and items inside), plus abstracting electricity before the power is turned off, or aiding and abetting those offences.
    Meanwhile, due to the current heatwave, it would really be a shame if some of the caravans or vehicles spontaneously combust, as the fire services will not be able to deal, BECAUSE THE BASTARDS WILL HAVE LOCKED THEM OUT!

  4. 1: Officer Dribble needs to take photographs of their vehicles and ensure that they all have tax, insurance and MOT - any that do not can then be seized.
    2: Get Customs to dip their tanks for red fuel.
    3: Make it quite clear that if there is any clearing up to be done when they leave, they WILL be pursued for payment.
    4: Make sure that local shopkeepers are supported when there is shoplifting by these nomads.

    It's not the "nomadic lifestyle" that is a problem, it's the utter disregard that these creatures show towards the community at large.

  5. I think the use of an Israeli Armoured D9 Bulldozer would be the answer to clearing up the site. Who cares if a few of the travellers means of transport get flattened. Repeat at every site they try to stop at - it would solve the problem.

  6. As far as I'm aware (at least with all the local pikeys) every single one of them is a foreigner (Irish national) so ... they've committed crimes, deport them.

    If we 'returned' all the criminals, alcoholics, drug-users and homeless to their own countries (especially the Irish and Scots) we'd probably have a functional country (and NHS) and they'd suddenly realise how much they've sponged off us forever.

    [Ireland has the lowest rates of mental illness of every first-world country ... because they ship them over here as soon as they're diagnosed. Fact!]

  7. In spite of doubts once expressed that plod could ever transcend the 'Disappointing' stage of incompetence, extra taxes have supported the 'Staggering' phase for over a decade.

  8. I understand the frustration this must cause and fully agree with it but I believe that trespass is only a criminal offence if it is residential property that has been invaded.

  9. Anon @ 17.31,
    Burglary is 'any premises, or part of any premier's so, if the building has been entered and items stolen or damaged, then the offence is complete, allowing every single one of them to be arrested "on suspicion of burglary", not that that will happen, of course. An alternative offence is being found in enclosed premises. All it would take is for a senior officer with the balls to arrange a suitably equipped Police team, with dogs, to prevent them leaving until the fire station has been checked. Again, not that that will happen, of course, despite national figures that crime has increased. I wonder why that is?

  10. "Police could just keep cutting the chain off and taking the lock."

    If they cared about the aggravation to the law-abiding more than pandering to miscreants, yes. Oh, to have police with that attitude.

    "Put more locks on the gate; keep the b***ers in until they plead to come out."

    Now, there's an idea.

    "Meanwhile, due to the current heatwave, it would really be a shame if some of the caravans or vehicles spontaneously combust..."

    I have a great idea for a combination of powered drone and Chinese lantern!

    "It's not the "nomadic lifestyle" that is a problem, it's the utter disregard that these creatures show towards the community at large."

    Spot on, Combined with the authorities' indifference to it, it's a toxic combination.

    "I think the use of an Israeli Armoured D9 Bulldozer would be the answer to clearing up the site."

    We'd have to get an authentic Israeli to drive it, though...

    "If we 'returned' all the criminals, alcoholics, drug-users and homeless to their own countries (especially the Irish and Scots) we'd probably have a functional country (and NHS) and they'd suddenly realise how much they've sponged off us forever."

    We can't even deport those arriving here in dingheys, never ming those arriving by Sealink Ferry or Ryanair!

    "...but I believe that trespass is only a criminal offence if it is residential property that has been invaded."

    Hence the title. This was something the useless Tories promised to fix.

    "All it would take is for a senior officer with the balls ..."

    There's the problem, then. They are all wearing women's uniform.
