Friday 15 July 2022

I Didn't Think Someone Like You Could Spell 'Privacy'...

An OnlyFans model, 32, was left 'gobsmacked' after she was arrested and locked up by police for putting rubbish bags next to her bins eight years ago.
Heather Underwood, from Knutton, said a police officer knocked on her door at 9.50am on Thursday and told her she was 'wanted' with a warrant out for her arrest.
'I was shaking, I had no idea what he was talking about,' she said.

Well, she doesn't look like the sharpest knife in the drawer... 

The mother was taken to a custody suite in Stoke on Trent, where she was told that the warrant was from 2014 and related to when she lived in a property in Leek Road and had 'flytipped' by leaving a number of black bin bags next to her rubbish bins.
Ms Underwood was taken from the custody suite to North Staffordshire Justice Centre where she was kept locked in a cell, only to be told at 2.30pm that the case had been discontinued.

What? Why? 

The mother-of-two was been left gobsmacked by the ordeal, calling the arrest 'embarrassing'.
'The most degrading part of it was when I had to use the bathroom and the toilet just had a glass window, I didn't even have any privacy when I went to the bathroom.'

You live your life on social media for money. I'm amazed you even understand the concept. 


  1. It's good to know all the crimes have been solved though

  2. Katie Price without the unnecessary boobs?

  3. Yarp, but if she was a member of a much-loved group of nomadic folk she could have left ten tonne of rubbish scattered all over the local park with no consequences whatsoever. As ever, it's the double standard that's the issue.

  4. Not only an overkill of the local plod who should, if someone had had a good look at the circumstances, had decided that this should be questioned, but I feel, is an abuse of authority. One of the first lessons I was taught as a probationary Police officer is that an arrest, basically the taking away of a person's freedom, is one of the last things you should do, and then only if there was no alternative.
    Was there an alternative in this case? Of course there was. A re-submission of a summons would have led to no arrest, no custody, no using the toilet behind a screen (though, to be honest, if she could have filmed that, her onscreen income may have increased).In
    No one comes out of this with any shiny clothes.
    And people say our society is advancing. Bollocks!

  5. A few points.
    The warrant was issued legally by authorities, they would have done a lot of research before-hand. They would have tried to contact this Slapper before doing so. She probably thought she was being clever by ignoring the letters. The fact that she stayed off their radar for years isn't relevant.
    Police have a duty to execute warrants, no matter how trivial. It's not for us to decide that "fly-tipping" should be ignored, although I accept it does happen. On the body of the warrant it ORDERS a police constable to bring that person to court as soon as practicable. If any of the residents on my beat were wanted on warrant I would be the one to make enquiries. If the court decide to drop the charges then that's out of my hands.
    She's got her five minutes of fame now.

  6. "It's good to know all the crimes have been solved though"


    "As ever, it's the double standard that's the issue."

    Low hanging fruit will always be sweeter...

    "No one comes out of this with any shiny clothes.
    And people say our society is advancing. Bollocks!"

    It's depressing, isn't it?

    "She's got her five minutes of fame now."

    We can but hope for the sweet embrace of obscurity once more...
