Monday 18 July 2022

It's Time To Play 'Guess The Breed'!

Collie? Unlikely as they were both young.

German shepherd? Hmm, could be...

Ah. Of course. Yet it looks like a nice house, in a fairly nice area. Why would normal people want creatures like these? Still, at least it wasn't some random child or person in the street this time. 
South Yorkshire Police says two dogs have been seized and removed from the property...

Why weren't they immediatly shot at the scene? Surely your armed cops have had time to go to the range and practice a bit by now? 

The force said neither are considered 'banned breeds' under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991.

It's time we either stopped considering breed alone, and decided on size, temperament and reputation, or extended that list a hell of a lot... 

H/T: IanJ via email


  1. Such dogs are kept as a status symbol by certain people today. One scruffy idiot out with his pitbull type animal proudly said to me in the street a while ago "my dog could rip your dog to bits" when I was walking my family pet. No police, no regard for the law, go out of your home at your own risk. Another offered to knock me out for asking him to control his loose rampant bulldog, welcome to modern Britain.

  2. "Such dogs are kept as a status symbol by certain people today."

    And worse, bred by them, For what often turns out to be blood money.
