Thursday 21 July 2022

Let's Stop This 'One Bite Allowed' Nonsense...

A woman's whose dog attacked a postman has been ordered to keep her pet muzzled and on a lead in public.

Why? Why isn't the thing destroyed immediately and her fined a huge amount? 

In her police interview the defendant said Roxy has separation anxiety and one of the triggers is shoes.

Wait, there's mitigation for bloody dogs now...?! Christ, defence solicitors will have to work overtime... 

The court heard Roxy has been assessed by a police dog expert.

Ah! A police expert, eh? 

She found the defendant is a responsible dog owner who has Roxy on a lead and ensures she wears a muzzle in public.
She has also bought a new letterbox to ensure postmen do not have to approach the front door. She is having a taller fence fitted and a more secure gate. And a stairgate has been fitted at the front door to prevent Roxy getting out.
Her view was that the defendant is a fit and proper person to have control of a dog and is a responsible dog owner.
She added: "From what I have seen of Roxy she is not a dangerous dog."

The poor bloody victim might have a different opinion, but who cares about him? 

And why is someone allowed to keep an animal that requires that level of security to prevent it harming anyone? 

Paul Kay, mitigating, said the defendant has no previous convictions. She lives on her own with her five-year-old grandson. The front door was open as they were going to the shop. She went in a separate room to put on her shoes.

What, the things that trigger the dog? Oh, FFS! 


  1. Have these morons not heard of traning - even aversion therapy if other forms don't work! Oh, but dog training has to be done by the owner (who needs to be brighter than the animal - pack leader and all that!

  2. Don't feel too sorry for the solicitors, I have known some over the years that would mitigate for Satan himself as long as they could get a fee out of it.

  3. The utter bollocks constantly spouted by defence lawyers irritates the hell out of me. Grrrrr

  4. Good luck getting your post delivered, Sharon.

  5. You don't need that much security for shotguns

  6. "Have these morons not heard of traning..."

    They don't train their offspring, so Fido's not going to get much of an education!

    "The utter bollocks constantly spouted by defence lawyers irritates the hell out of me."

    If they were called out on it by the judge more often, it'd be a nice change, eh?

    "Good luck getting your post delivered, Sharon."


    "You don't need that much security for shotguns"

