Monday 11 July 2022

Newsflash, Chris: 'Down The Road' Is Out Of Range!

A police force using electric vehicles is struggling to respond to crime because the batteries keep going flat, a Police and Crime Commissioner said.

Oh, well, it's probably one or two show vehicles, so...


Gloucestershire Constabulary has the largest full electric fleet in the UK, making up 21% of their 435 vehicles.


PCC Chris Nelson said while "we've all got to go towards electric vehicles moving forwards," the force has the largest fleet by percentage size and "that has brought its problems".
"The design options available for electric vehicles for operational uses are not perhaps as advanced as I would like them to be."
He added that he was "cautious about going any further down that road at this stage".

Well, yes, if there's no charging station at the end of it, no wonder! 

H/T: Ian J via email


  1. I notice that this pillock and soi-disant "Conservative" "fully supported climate controls and green areas". The Gloucester police have wasted, what, at least £3 million on this junk (not counting the special paintwork that they've probably splurged on for Stonewall month). And no-one loses his/her/its job: UK 2022 in a nutshell!

  2. Well, isn't that just perfect! They say haven't got the resources to do any actual policing, but when there's virtue signalling to be done, they spend like a Premier League footballer with a day to live.

    The only way this could be better was if all the cars were rainbow coloured.

  3. "Moving Forwards" "Cautious about going any further down that road"

    A cynic might wonder if Chris Nelson is trying his hand at comedy!

    "The design options available for electric vehicles for operational uses are not perhaps as advanced as I would like them to be"

    And nor will they EVER be. Try looking at the relative energy densities of petrol & diesel versus the best battery technology. And before a smart Alec trots out the "rapid pace of development" line, consider where the electricity would come from, even IF a magic, super compact, fast charging storage medium becomes available...

  4. And we'll never be told who, in the face of reams of evidence, made that purchasing decision. The trouble is that, to find out, we'd have to sift the endless numbers of fuckwits who infest the "organisation".

  5. Only an idiot would fail to have the infrastructure ready to service their vehicles before actually buying the vehicles. Is this PCC incompetent, a woke specialist, a moron, or all three?
    Penseivat (17 years out of the job and enjoying life)

  6. Well of your car runs out of charge and the criminal gets away that saves you from a lot of real paper work doesn't it. Just the latest in a long long line of excuses the police trot out for not actually doing any real police work. Situation normal.

  7. And only an idiot (or is it a "farce of idiots"?) would be gullible enough to think that spending all that money will really make any difference to our future? Frankly, he'd be better off trying to organise the return of the last ice age.

  8. Most taxpayers will be happily surprised when Plod's latest mammoth spend produces a sensible result.

  9. " And no-one loses his/her/its job: UK 2022 in a nutshell!"

    Of course!

    "The only way this could be better was if all the cars were rainbow coloured."

    I really wouldn't bet against that!

    "A cynic might wonder if Chris Nelson is trying his hand at comedy!"

    Some proper old fashioned journalism? Makes a nice change.

    " Is this PCC incompetent, a woke specialist, a moron, or all three?"

