Wednesday 6 July 2022

Rewatchable TV July: Life On Mars

TV doesn't get better than this - a show apparently meant by the creators to carry the message 'Look at how our modern progressive police force fares in comparision to these dinosaurs!' and the viewing public immediately took to...the dinosaurs! Big time.

Beautifully played by the leads, it spawned a sequel set in the 80s (Oh, the nostaligia!) and held its own against all comers, never outstaying its welcome. 

Here's to you, Gene, how we need you to fire up the Qauttro in these troubled times... 


  1. And even if like me, you declined to watch a single episode, the fallout from these presentations was sufficiently diffuse to make 'Fire up the Quattro', universally known.

    Another Mail spelling, JuliaM?

  2. This show ranks up there with the best, I understand we are to be treated to a continuation of some sort soon. Let's hope it's worthy of it's outstanding predecessor.

  3. I can't see modern day "coppers" shouting "Unplug the [Nissan] Leaf"

  4. I got the impression that the viewing public rather favoured the idea of a police service that got results instead of “fannying about” as Gene Hunt would say.

  5. I just love the usual bemused looks and protestations when we unwashed take their preaching and turn it on its head (one of my favourites was Wheedons "Firefly" where everyone was 'supposed' to see 'the left' in Serenity's crew, but actually saw, the truth, the left was the Alliance - to Wheedon's/the lefts Oh so enjoyable apoplexy).

    It's 'interesting' that 'they' always see themselves as the plucky, good-guy/gal, rebels (whilst actually being the incompetent, evil, totalitarian establishment schills) and view the past as 'the bad old days' (when in comparison I can't think of much, other than tech, that isn't showing we're, our civilisation, on a downward slope).

    Being mature (never old) enough to remember those days (and possibly, slightly, occasionally ... a touch 'rambunctious') I had 'some small' contact with plod as a teenager. I respected them, I may have been given a 'clout' once or twice, but they also exercised judgement as to whether to go further. Now, I have zero respect for any of the PC rules followers. So count me as one of the fans.

  6. "...sufficiently diffuse to make 'Fire up the Quattro', universally known."

    It's the zeitgeist!

    "...I understand we are to be treated to a continuation of some sort soon."

    Oooh, no, I hope not! That never works...

    "I can't see modern day "coppers" shouting "Unplug the [Nissan] Leaf""

    There's a post coming up on that!

    "I got the impression that the viewing public rather favoured the idea of a police service that got results instead of “fannying about”..."

    Your impression is correct!

    " of my favourites was Wheedons "Firefly" where everyone was 'supposed' to see 'the left' in Serenity's crew..."

    That might be appearing in one of these... 😉
