Saturday 2 July 2022

See Where All Your Grovelling Gets You..?

Pride in London says uniformed officers should not march in the parade, following calls from LGBTQ+ campaigners to bar them due to Scotland Yard’s “homophobic” handling of the investigation into the serial killer Stephen Port.
Tatchell said: “While there are many good officers, and they are welcome to march in civilian clothes, Pride needs to challenge the police as an institution, otherwise they will never reform.”

Awww, but all those Pride flags flown from police HQs! All those multicoloured police cars! Was it all for nothing, then?

Yes. Of course it was. You can't appease fanatics. You should never try. Because if you give an inch, they then start eying up the mile: 

The Gay Liberation Front, which organised the first Pride march in 1972, has also signed an open letter calling for an end to not only police taking part in the parade but also patrolling the march.

Ha ha ha ha! Have you learned your lesson now, cops? 

A spokesperson for the National Police Chiefs’ Council said: “Taking part in Pride is important for LGBTQ+ colleagues within policing. It allows LGBTQ+ people to see that they are represented in the police service and it is an excellent public engagement opportunity where we can promote safety messages, understand community concerns and recruit from diverse communities.”

Guess not.  


  1. "Pride in London says uniformed officers should not march in the parade"

    I absolutely agree. They should be present at the parade, ensuring that laws are not broken and public order is maintained. But not marching.

  2. I wholeheartedly endorse the GLF demands.

    As they say "The police/law isn't there to protect the law-abiding from criminals, they're there to protect the criminals from the law-abiding".

    So pretty-please remove the police protection they enjoy (at our expense) so that they can experience the 'rough music' of what the absolute majority of normal people actually think of them. (I wasn't even vaguely anti until they started revealing the true depths of their depravity and attempts to force the rest of us to celebrate it).

    I do, also, find it Schadenfreudelicious that all those 'minority' (majority) police are now un-personed (pity the islamics don't do the same to all those officers involved with their 'grooming' gangs). Get rid of the feminazi officers too and we might actually return to a force close to fit for purpose.

  3. Don't police it, let the antis have a free hand. I'm sure they will be welcomed marching through heavy Muslim areas.

  4. I am surprised that Plod weren't shuffling along on 'there' knees, as a woke alternative to marching.

    But for God's sake, you can't sit on your arses eating doughnuts all day, Jaded. Oh, wait...

  5. What "pride" parade? It's become a cesspit of exhibitionism, debauchery & narcissism.

  6. "I absolutely agree."

    Oh, me too.
    I am just enjoying a touch of schacdenfruede that the diversity-coddling senior officers forgot their long spoons when they chose to sup with this particular devil...

    " that they can experience the 'rough music' of what the absolute majority of normal people actually think of them."

    Pride marches have now devolved into utter depravity like their US counterparts - because activists always push boundaries to the utmost limit.

    "...I'm sure they will be welcomed marching through heavy Muslim areas."

    Which, you note, they never do...

    "It's become a cesspit of exhibitionism, debauchery & narcissism."

    This always happens. Once the rights that were denied are won, and the normal majority who just wanted to live their lives in peace no longer march, who will?
