Monday 4 July 2022

Signs And Portents...

I took my mother to her GP for a blood pressure check at the weekend - not that we saw a GP, the practice nurse did it - and this is one of the plethora of hectoring signs that greeted us as we sat waiting...

If I'd had a pen, I might have added 'If they stopped gossiping to each other while the surgery phone rings fruitlessly they might stand a better chance of overhearing something...' while we were waiting. 

But the utter arrogance of feeling entitled to put up a sign that basically says 'If you dare clue any new patients into what a lousy service we provide, home you go!' is breathtaking, isn't it?


  1. Hitherto, an unwritten culture of long-standing.

    For NHS records, I happily proclaim my abstention from any eulogising.

  2. If ever there was a sign that clearly illustrated that the NHS is run for the benefit of its staff rather than its patients then this is surely it.

  3. There were 47 signs in the waiting room last time I went. To see the nurse, of course, although I did see the doc once earlier this year.

  4. Any abusing must be done while standing. They cannae touch you for it.

  5. I know that it is aside from the main point here but I wouldn't expect to see a GP just for a blood pressure check. When much criticism of the NHS is about how inefficient it is, using staff who are way over qualified to do fairly mundane tasks would be a bad thing surely.

    As for the sign, well they can ban people from criticising them in the waiting room but they are powerless to prevent it elsewhere.

  6. Rip the thing down and quote the HRA right to freedom of speech. Also threaten legal a ton should they try to "ban" you. Worked a treat with my 92yr old parents' GP practice, or should I say, lack of practice.

  7. Sorry #Stoneyground, but once, the GP or as we called them the Family Doctor, did all of those things and much more efficiently. Now in a "modern practice" you rarely if ever see the same doctor, nurse, anything. Worse, they're demanding a 30% salary hike and even shorter hours or they'll go on strike. Seriously, who'd notice. They've been AWOL, during and since the Great Covid Shutdown.

  8. "If ever there was a sign that clearly illustrated that the NHS is run for the benefit of its staff..."

    Well, quite! Why has the Health Secretary not got to grips - too busy planning his leadership campaign, I wonder?

    "There were 47 signs in the waiting room last time I went."

    Oh, the place is plastered with them! And the no doubt expensive dot matrix announcement system hasn't worked for years..

    "I know that it is aside from the main point here but I wouldn't expect to see a GP just for a blood pressure check. "

    No, me neither. She was polite and competent. The GPs my mum has seen have been (often) neither.

    "Worked a treat with my 92yr old parents' GP practice, or should I say, lack of practice."

    Good for you!

    "...they're demanding a 30% salary hike and even shorter hours or they'll go on strike. Seriously, who'd notice...."

    Not me!
