Saturday 16 July 2022

Spitting In All Our Faces Again....

The vile ringleader of the notorious Rochdale child sex grooming gang has been appointed ‘equalities representative’ at his maximum security jail.
Shabir Ahmed was handed the role in a move branded an ‘insult’ to his victims despite having attempted to blame his crimes on Western society for allowing young girls to ‘parade on the streets’.

I need a new tag, it's no longer 'You couldn't make it up', but 'You don't have to make it up'... 

Sources said the role of equalities representative involved ‘collating’ views from inmates on the same wing and reporting back to prison staff.

Why are they soliciting grievances from these animals?  

Whistleblower Maggie Oliver, who resigned as a detective over failings in how police handled grooming cases in Rochdale, said it was ‘an insult to victims’.

Just one of so very many lately. 

A Prison Service spokesman said last night: ‘This role includes no safeguarding responsibilities and is intended to improve the behaviour of the prisoner.’

The only thing that would do that was, sadly, abolished in 1965. The year I was born. And look how safe and just that's made society... 


  1. "Equalities Representative"?

    Death makes us all equal, doesn't it...

  2. "Death makes us all equal, doesn't it..."

    And I'm all for equality...
