Wednesday 13 July 2022

True Justice Would Look Rather Different, Claire...

Two teenagers who stabbed a rival to death after one of the killers was ‘belittled’ in a Snapchat video have both been jailed for least 25 and a half years.

No, we all know that's just what they've been sentenced to... 

Hussein Al-Saabri, 23, died after he was knifed in the stomach in front of horrified shoppers outside Debenhams in St Anns Shopping Centre in Harrow, northwest London. Rickarlo Williams and Jahni Menzie-Samuels, both 19, were armed with a Rambo knife and a machete when they hacked Mr Al-Saabri in front of horrified onlookers.

Anyone wondering if upbringing played a part, wonder no more: 

Menzie-Samuels’ mother, Karlene Joseph, 43, gave police a false alibi by claiming her son was with her at the time of the stabbings.

She got a paltry sentence, of course. 

Joseph, of Harrow, denied but was convicted of perverting the course of justice. She has already been jailed for two years.

Once again, that should no doubt read 'sentenced to' instead. 

The court heard Williams was ‘effectively a trafficked child’ as part of county lines drug dealing.

Yes, he's the victim here! Good grief! 

Detective chief inspector Claire Hine, Specialist Crime Command [Homicide], said: ‘The level of violence used against all three victims was savage, and tragically it cost Hussain his life. Above all today, my thoughts are with his family and friends.
‘No court result can bring Hussain back, but I hope that these convictions provide some measure of comfort in seeing justice done.’

They've seen nothing of the sort, have they? 


  1. I object, in the strongest possible terms, to being robbed via HMRC to keep these bastards alive.

    What does a rope cost?

  2. You can take the Dark Keys out of Africa, but you can't take Africa out of the Dark Keys.

    Personally, I think that a rope is far too good for them. They need stabbing and hacking to bits.

    But, at least they have reduced their monstrous regiment by one ...

  3. I would love it if some of the bleeding hearts pro-immigration idiots were allowed to visit the intelligence office at my police station. A nice leafy outer London borough by the way.
    On the walls are pictures of our persistent offenders broken down into the priority crimes-burglary, car crime, drugs, street robberies etc etc.
    Guess what?

  4. The mugshot sweepstake, Jaded. A crim portfolio, largely featuring plod and ex-plod?

  5. If he was a 'trafficked child', why didn't he enter the Olympics and get a knighthood? Then he'd be rewarded with nationwide sympathy for his 30-year consistent lying about his origins, his identity theft, his illegal immigration etc. or any other criminal wrongdoings.

    Odd isn't it, a Prime Minister is believed my some to have marginally departed from the truth over trivial matters, so he is vilified (led by the BBC) and loses his job. A runner lies solidly for more than 30 years about some pretty serious stuff and gets praised for it (led by the same BBC). Strange old world we live in.

  6. "I would love it if some of the bleeding hearts pro-immigration idiots were allowed to visit the intelligence office at my police station."

    Ugh, you'd have to get out the Febreeze afterwards!

    "If he was a 'trafficked child', why didn't he enter the Olympics and get a knighthood?"

