Sunday 21 August 2022

I Think I'll Stick To A LandRover, Thanks!


Where do you get a 'major driving licence'? And would my existing licence wallet be able to cope with it?

H/T: Fred via email


  1. I'd be more concerned that anyone would be stupid enough to pour a bottle of Coke into their fuel tank...

  2. Because I have held a driving licence for a very long time, I used to be able to drive anything up to a 7.5 tonne truck. When I was first diagnosed as a diabetic, I was put on insulin injections. Those on insulin have to be carefully monitored due to there being a risk of hypoglycemia which in extreme cases can put you in a coma. Since then I have been able to dispense with medication completely and rely on diet and exercise to control the condition. I don't get to have my licence restored to its original status though, I am now restricted to nothing larger than a 3.5 tonne van. I find this a fascinating window into the beauracratic mind, if you are going to peg out while driving and wipe out a bus queue, it's better if you do it in a smaller van.

  3. It took me about 5 months just to get my driver's license changed so I doubt if we will ever see this. Bless all at DVLA or more likely sort of working from home.
