Tuesday 30 August 2022

Iraq? Mogadishu?

A police statement said: “They were able to extract him through significant crowds in challenging circumstances to a waiting ambulance.”
Some other Third World hellhole where injured peoples' rescue is hampered by people behaving like animals? 

No. Ladbroke Grove in London. Oh, of course, forgot to mention. It's that time of year.
Police said 209 arrests had been made by early Tuesday, including 46 for assault, 36 for possession of drugs, 33 for possession of an offensive weapon, 27 public order offences and eight sexual assaults.

And they call it 'Carnival'... 


  1. Any idea of the cost to the taxpayer of policing this 'carnival'?

  2. A more accurate description would be the "Notting Hill Stabathon" surely?

  3. Carnival.
    The cutting out of meat.
    Some just take it too literally.

  4. I see the victim was described as a 'rapper'. I assume this means he was tied up with 'gang culture' and suffered the consequences

  5. But it's always been a riot. About 40 years ago a colleague lived in a flat there. During the course of the weekend some nice people forced their way in. When she objected they threw her off the balcony and she ended up with (as I recall) two broken legs.
    Frankly, I think that the only reason the police should be there is to provide physical backup to the poor paramedics. If not plod then squaddies equipped with pickax handles.

  6. Perhaps the Carnival Association could be made to pay an insurance premium to cover the deaths, rapes, stabbings, thefts,etc, before the event could take place, or would that be racist?I

  7. I've policed Notting Hill about 20-25 times and hated it.
    As the years have gone by the police have stopped enforcing the law and just concentrated on crowd safety. If it wasn't an ethnic event it would have got cancelled years ago on health and safety alone.

  8. "Any idea of the cost to the taxpayer of policing this 'carnival'?"


    "I see the victim was described as a 'rapper'. I assume this means he was tied up with 'gang culture' and suffered the consequences"

    Lot of that going around lately... ๐Ÿ˜

    "... or would that be racist?"

    Make it refundable if no trouble happens, and the 'youth' can police themselves!

    "If it wasn't an ethnic event it would have got cancelled years ago on health and safety alone."

    Spot on!
