Thursday 4 August 2022

No, She's Not The Victim, Judge...

Judge Medland accepted she was vulnerable following the death of her husband and was suffering from active alcoholism when she committed the offences.

*sighs* When are we going to start considering drug and alcohol abuse as aggravating factors?

Rosalind Emslie-Smith, defending, said at the time of the offending, Faragher was struggling following the death of her husband.
She was drinking a bottle of vodka or more a day.
Faragher has never explained her motivation for committing the offences but has started to access counselling and is now "calmer, less anxious and sober", Ms Emslie-Smith said.

Should there be other questions asked about this bizarre story? 

Elizabeth Faragher, 43, was trusted to give the child - who cannot be named for legal reasons - medication for a condition they had been diagnosed with then they were young.
But, Faragher, from Barrow, deliberately soiled the needles before using them on numerous occasions in 2016 and 2017.
As a result of her cruelty, the youngster had "almost constant" admissions to hospital, where doctors carried out invasive tests, biopsies and operations to try and understand the condition.
The child has now been left with deep muscle scars and had to have corrective knee surgery, Preston Crown Court was told.

Such as, why was this alcoholic Munchausen's patient ever in a position to have charge of a child's welfare? 

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