Saturday 20 August 2022

Still Clapping, Are We..?

Despite ministers' calls for the NHS to cut back on 'waste and wokery', some groups use taxpayers' money to put on events around transgender issues, sexuality and racism, often held during the working day.
These have included 'tea and rainbow cake' picnics, a special session about pronouns and a Filipino martial arts performance. Amid fears of an impending winter NHS crisis, the audit by the TaxPayers' Alliance found there are now at least 493 networks across the UK health service.
Stop calling, and start ordering.
The true figures are likely to be higher as only 111 out of more than 230 trusts responded to Freedom of Information requests.
Start sacking those who refuse to comply.
They only cover time spent running the groups, not attending them.
You couldn't make it up, could you? And in the crazy world we live in now, you don't have to...


  1. Some fools are still clapping for these warped, self-serving bastards. Never was a country more in desperate need of those political changes which regenerated pre-war Germany.

  2. In the same week when the Government has finally accepted that it should pay compensation to the (now few) survivors of the 'tainted-blood' scandal of decades ago. But it wasn't the 'government' that caused the problem, it was the incompetent NHS failing to ensure the safety of its customers - the government's only fault was delaying long enough to let most of them die before any payout.

    But why does all the media blame 'the government' for this fiasco and not the real villain, the NHS? Because we're not allowed to criticise that sainted bunch, whatever abysmal things they do.

  3. Take a look at Russell Brand "So, It WAS All A Scam". His style is not easy to my ear but his message is clear. make me worry about the future of the NHS.

  4. Take a look at Russell Brand "So, It WAS All A Scam". His style is not easy to my ear but his message is clear. make me worry about the future of the NHS.
