Thursday 18 August 2022

Still Think Shoplifting Is A Victimless Crime, Progressives?

Detectives are hunting an alleged 'prolific shoplifter' who is suspected of knifing a beloved 87-year-old busker to death in broad daylight following a 'street robbery gone wrong' in a row over the pensioner's charity cash.
Local security guards at the Tesco superstore where Mr O'Halloran frequently busked outside warned the alleged knifeman had often been kicked out of local shops on suspicion of shoplifting on a handful of other occasions.
And why did they kick him out, rather than calling the police? Because they knew there was no point. The police don't bother.

A country where the local Tesco has to have security guards in the first place is a country that's lost its way, and that's before you get to having pensioners stabbed to death in their mobility scooters in broad daylight, isn't it?


  1. This murderer will tick most of the following boxes.
    Ethnic minority
    Drug dealer or addict or both.
    On bail,licence or probation. Or all three.
    From a single parent family.
    Numerous baby mothers.
    Long list of convictions but no decent sentences amongst them.

    My guess is that the victim probably challenged this vermin whilst he was shoplifting and vermin objected, as they do.

  2. If the security guards took the shoplifters round the back and taught them a lesson, the police would be there in a flash

  3. Perhaps Tesco could employ some 'peacefuls' as security, then turn a blind eye when they enact Sharia Law round the back - shoplifters soon stop misbehaving when they've fewer hands.
    And the police wouldn't intervene, as that would be racist.

  4. I love that phrase "robbery gone wrong". If people would just stick to the script, using terror and the threat of death to relieve a ninety-year-old disabled man of charity donations would be the routine procedure we would all like to see. 👍🏿

  5. "This murderer will tick most of the following boxes."

    As we know now, you were spot on.

    "If the security guards took the shoplifters round the back and taught them a lesson, the police would be there in a flash"

    Low hanging fruit. Every time... 😡

    "Perhaps Tesco could employ some 'peacefuls' as security..."

    In my local, they do!

    "I love that phrase "robbery gone wrong". "

    Yes, it jars, doesn't it?
