Friday 26 August 2022

Stopping Them Burning Our Money...

The Mayor of Andover has spoken out about his ‘disappointment’ after fellow councillors voted against his proposals of appointing a town crier and purchasing new regalia for the town council.
At a full council meeting on Wednesday, August 8, Cllr David Coole put forward a motion which suggested that £4,000 be spent on appointing a town crier, following a competition to find the best candidate.The motion also proposed the purchasing of new regalia, at a cost of up to £12,000.
Both motions were overwhelmingly rejected.


And when you're looking through your stock photos of a traditional town crier, 'Andover Advertiser', this isn't it: 

Mind you, these days, who knows? It probably would be!

H/T: Ian J via email


  1. Town criers are the most irritating and annoying people ever.

  2. Good old councilors always looking for better ways to squander tax payers money.

  3. What's the betting the "Mayor of Andover" has family, investments, or just received a nice 'donation' from the company that makes town crier uniforms?

    The older I get, the more I realise I was never (even close to) cynical enough for the reality daily revealed to us.

  4. "Town criers are the most irritating and annoying people ever."

    A bit like Morris dancers?

    "What's the betting the "Mayor of Andover" has family, investments, or just received a nice 'donation' from the company that makes town crier uniforms?"

    Ooof, you cynic! 😁
