Monday 1 August 2022

Well, Of Course He Was...

The court heard that Gill, from Doncaster, was on bail at the time of the killing, having punched two police officers outside a bar in Sheffield five days earlier.

I mean, what do you have to do these days to get put behind bars, where you belong? 

The prosecutor, Sarah Knight, told the court that Robinson was on foot crossing a road in Chilwell, Nottingham, when a witnesses saw Gill leave his vehicle and use both hands to push Robinson hard in the chest, causing him to fall backwards.
Afterwards, Gill stole a bottle of vodka from a nearby supermarket and returned to the training course, where he was asked to leave for being “angry and disruptive”. He was next seen in the Toton area of Nottinghamshire, where he threw a bottle out of his car window, smashing it against a wall.
After a female driver asked him to pick up his litter, the court was told Gill responded: “I know littering is wrong but so is arson and I am more than happy to set fire to your car.”
A 68-year-old man, who also remonstrated with Gill, was then dragged out of his car and repeatedly punched in the face.

And he presumably has no excuse for his ac...

Oh. Silly me.  

Judge Rafferty told Gill: “I hope that, like the rest of us listening to this, you are appalled by the person that you were. Through your own abuse of alcohol and drugs you had turned yourself into a menace.”
Noting that one of Gill’s fingers was cut off to “enforce” a drug debt nine months before Robinson’s death, the judge added: “Even that did not stop you from drinking and taking drugs.

So will you impose the sort of sentence that ensures the safety of everyone in the future? 

Gill must serve two-thirds of his sentence in custody, and was banned from driving for a period of five years after his eventual release.

Didn't think the answer was going to be 'Yes', somehow... 


  1. In a properly run society, Gill would be awaiting hanging for the murder, but be suffering the flogging he deserved for other aspects of his behaviour.

  2. "what do you have to do these days to get put behind bars"?

    Say something a homosexual, ethnic or woman disagrees with and they'll throw the key away. Kill someone (not a member of the aforementioned special classes)and you'll get a slap on the wrist, if that.

    Welcome to Heinlein's crazy years.

  3. "In a properly run society..."

    Let me stop you there!

    "Welcome to Heinlein's crazy years."

    I need to go read him again...
