Friday 19 August 2022

What Are You Worried About...? know people like you never are:

Ieuan Bennet, defending, said she was a mother of two children and was worried about them if she was imprisoned.
Thomas was sentenced to eight months imprisonment suspended for 18 months.



  1. I suppose the father could look after them while she did her prison time

  2. Maybe the Recorder could have added a "useful" penalty - ban her from all licensed premises in South Wales (except for shops with an off-license) for a year or two? That would enable her to save the money to pay the fine, costs, surcharge - her brief doesn't count though.

  3. "I suppose the father could look after them while she did her prison time"

    Ha! Good one!

    "Maybe the Recorder could have added a "useful" penalty - ban her from all licensed premises in South Wales..."

