Thursday 15 September 2022

Another Triumph For The World Of Social Work...

A teenager has been jailed for fatally stabbing a 16-year-old boy. Dylan Holliday was knifed 13 times in Wellingborough, Northamptonshire, in August 2021.
Jamal Waddell, 17, was convicted of manslaughter...

Wait, what?!? August and was sentenced to 12 years in prison with four on licence at Coventry Crown Court on Wednesday.
Waddell, who can be named after the judge lifted an anonymity order, was also convicted of grievous bodily harm against Dylan's friend and of possession of a knife. He was handed 18 months for each offence, which will run concurrently to the manslaughter sentence.

Why the hell not consecutively? What's the point? This is as pointless as charging Couzens with indecent exposure when he's already doing bird for murder... 

Can it get any worse?

Reader, hold that thought:

The court heard the defendant, originally from Wellingborough and who turns 18 next month, had carried knives regularly from the age of 12.
It heard on the day of the attack, social workers had dropped him off in the town and were unaware he was armed.


Waddell claimed Dylan was "swinging" an arm that was in a cast and that he struck out at the 16-year-old to "keep him away from me".

That might have worked for one knife wound. It's not going to fly with thirteen... 

Det Sup Joe Banfield, from Northamptonshire Police, said: "Sadly, this case once again demonstrates the danger of knives and Northamptonshire Police will continue to work relentlessly to remove these deadly weapons from our streets."

And the courts and social workers will work equally relentlessly to send them back to the streets. 

Northamptonshire Safeguarding Children Partnership said Dylan's killing would be subject to a child safeguarding practice review.

Ah. A whitewash in which everyone involved is absolved of responsibility, you mean? 

H/T: IanJ via email


  1. If they were charging him with manslaughter, it should have been 13 counts
    I asssume the leniency is becuase he's black

  2. 13 stab wounds and the scum gets away with manslaughter? I'm no lawyer, but this is stretching credulity beyond belief!

  3. You can take the African out of Africa, but ...

    What really gets my goat about this is the rote "knives are bad" idiocy, that has people like me, brought up in an era and area where carrying a knife is what every adult, or child for that matter did, for the basic everyday jobs we all encounter, yet nary a single "stabbing" occurred. (We'll gloss over the fact that I 'will' be arrested if I pull out a 2" penknife to open a package, whilst 'certain people' are allowed to wander about with their "cultural swords and machetes" unmolested - even whilst hacking each other to pieces in the street).

    Hint: It isn't the tool, it's the person using it. But whilst the assumption the usual suspects will always fall back on collectively punishing everyone 'but' the perpetrator is a guaranteed certainty, the real reason is that 'they' would have to admit they were wrong (about causes, immigration, diversity, culture, ... ad infinitum), and that can/will never be allowed.

    Preaching to the choir, whilst the pews sit empty, yet again, I know.

  4. Stabbing someone once, could be accepted as manslaughter, possibly even twice, but if you stab someone 13 times then the intention is to murder them. The way the courts think these days is that as the myriad offences all happened at roughly the same time, the punishment should be concurrent, rather than consecutive. Also, just as the CPS has targets for successful prosecutions and remaining in budget, so the judiciary do in relation to lengths of custody and the cost of imprisonment.
    Age and race also play a large part in these calculations.
    It would be nice if we could dig up the remains of Clad the Impaler, clone him, and make him Home Secretary.

  5. "If they were charging him with manslaughter, it should have been 13 counts
    I asssume the leniency is becuase he's black"

    I wouldn't be at all surprised. Would anyone?

    "What really gets my goat about this is the rote "knives are bad" idiocy, that has people like me, brought up in an era and area where carrying a knife is what every adult, or child for that matter did, for the basic everyday jobs we all encounter, yet nary a single "stabbing" occurred."

    Indeed so. Times were different then. Better? Well, I thought so...

    "Also, just as the CPS has targets for successful prosecutions and remaining in budget, so the judiciary do in relation to lengths of custody and the cost of imprisonment."

    Let's see what Suella can do about that...
