Wednesday 7 September 2022

Hey, You're Right, In A Way...

Last night, amid all the politics, there was some other news. Armed cops ventilated a chap who'd lead them on a chase in Stretham. 

And the BBC news reports were filled with the usual suspects bewailing the actions and demanding 'justice' for a man 'about to be a father'. Although as is often the case, 'had sired a child' is far more accurate a description of his domestic affairs.

And in one sense, this moron is right. Because, just like Mark Duggan, it quickly transpired that this 'so funny, super-kind, always happy' chap is....just another criminal

Not that that will matter to the usual suspects as they start to rabble-rouse - I expect there'll be the usual 'march for justice' when the rain stops.

H/T: Herb Brubanter via Twitter


  1. Those flat-screen TV's and trainers "liberated" in 2012 are so old-fashioned now.

  2. Wuz it 'cos e's black?

  3. Let's be fair. Sometimes the police can get it right.

  4. He was a rapper. There's a surprise
    Also a surprise to see the BBC giving airtime to everyone crying racist, rather than just reporting the news

  5. A vote of thanks too for social media and the MSM who have clearly both interrupted their sniffy sermonising about 'hate speech' and 'misinformation' to start carrying the paranoid rantings of a bunch of race hustling low-lifes with a hsitory of provoking riots.

  6. "Those flat-screen TV's and trainers "liberated" in 2012 are so old-fashioned now."

    The family sensibly called off their planned protest after news broke of the Queen's death. Thus proving they have some common sense, at least...

    "Let's be fair. Sometimes the police can get it right."

    Yup! A good job, done well.

    "Also a surprise to see the BBC giving airtime to everyone crying racist, rather than just reporting the news"

    They haven't done that for a long time, have they?

    " start carrying the paranoid rantings of a bunch of race hustling low-lifes with a hsitory of provoking riots."

    It's sadly only a temporary pause. They'll be back to that in no time...

  7. Julia. It seems the racial shit stirrers like Stormzy are out stirring the shit again. As per usual he and his crew seem to be ramping up the 'father to be' guff but ignoring the more unsavoury aspects of this Kaba creature.
