Saturday 10 September 2022

Let's Spin The Wheel Of Racism...

....and it's....wait for it...

...water supplies! 

No, no, not in Africa (where there must be a standpipe on every square mile of bush by now). Would you believe, the US?

The overwhelming majority of people – more than 150,000 – in the predominantly Black city have now lost access to safe running water. The situation has raised questions about the impact of underinvestment since white families abandoned the city en masse.

See, if only the whites would stay (and pay for everything), it'd be OK! 

Activists say race may be a factor.

Of course they do... 

“At the root of this crisis is systemic racism, and the local and state governments’ intentional negligence to redirect infrastructure funds that could have helped solve this issue years ago,” said the group Black Voters Matter on Thursday.

Maybe ask why the white population has emigrated to other states en masse instead? Nah. That might prompt awkward answers... 

Between 1980 and 2000, Jackson changed from a majority-white population to a majority-black population. Thousands of white people left the city in the decades after the US supreme court forced public schools and facilities to desegregate, gutting Jackson’s tax base and reducing investment in infrastructure.

But don't worry! If that state's population refuses to pay, the whole of the US will pay instead! 

The Mississippi governor, Tate Reeves, on Tuesday sent a request to Joe Biden for federal assistance to deal with the problem. Biden soon after approved a measure to have the emergency response arm of the federal government step in and provide assistance. The US government will pay for 75% of the costs of dealing with and fixing the water treatment problem for the next 90 days.

The US government doesn't have any money, of course. The bill for this will be presented to the long-suffering US taxpayer instead. 

The involvement of the state and federal governments has led to optimism that the issues will finally be addressed.

Really? I'm pretty sure Ronald Reagan had some words of wisdom to suit this situation, didn't he? 


  1. Well of course race is the answer! The good old race card is the gift that never stops giving isn't it.

  2. From what I've read elsewhere, the place has been run by black people for black people for several decades. The vast majority of the politicians there are black, this screw up happened entirely on their watch but somehow it's whitey's fault.

  3. It is a very common behaviour of governments to want to socialise costs while privatising benefits, and politicians of the left like those privatised benefits to go to their supporters.

  4. White people leaving.

    The people who actually do the necessary work to maintain the infrastructure leave and said infrastructure falls apart?

    Well fuck me sideways with a monkeypuzzle branch (no pun intended, as if I would be so insensitive as to make the comparison).

    Maybe they will have to bus white people in to get things going again. Can't think how else the water will start flowing again.

  5. Step 1, drive the turrble, turrble Wypeepos out.
    Step 2, Appoint incompetent black grifters and crooks in their place
    Step 3, Moan about how dis am all de fault of dem turrble Wypeepos for not being there anymore

    This is why the phrase Typical Nigger Behaviour was invented

  6. It is certainly true for most living organisms, that a terminal point is reached when blood impurities proliferate out of control.

  7. "The good old race card is the gift that never stops giving isn't it."

    I'm afraid its deployment now makes me lose interest in whatever the holder is bleating about...

    "Maybe they will have to bus white people in to get things going again."

    OMG! I need to order more popcorn!

    "It is certainly true for most living organisms, that a terminal point is reached when blood impurities proliferate out of control."

