Tuesday 13 September 2022

Meet The New Boss...

...every bit as craven in the face of professional agitators as the old boss: 

On Monday evening Met Police Assistant Commissioner Amanda Pearson said: 'This decision has been reached following careful consideration of a number of factors, including the significant impact on public confidence, and in light of the Independent Office for Police Conduct announcing a homicide investigation.
'Our thoughts and sympathies remain with Mr Kaba's family and friends.
'We understand how concerned communities are, particularly black communities, and thank those who are working closely with our local officers.'
This is presumably with the full backing of Dick's replacement, Sir Mark Rowley. So I guess once again, we have a total dick at the helm.


  1. Thrown to the wolves. If every firearms officer handed in his or her gun then government couldn't function. I really wish they would do it one day as an "up yours " to these pc arseholes.

  2. An acceptable casualty "for the greater good"?
    I bloody hope not.

  3. 'I really wish they would do it one day as an "up yours " to these pc arseholes.'

    Police constable arseholes?

  4. From the point of view of an actuary, it would seem that the occupation of "Rapper" has a very high mortality risk.

  5. I'm a bit late to this, but the Daily Fail is claiming that Kaba was still sat in the car when the shot was fired.

    1. As I understand he was “sat in his car” whilst using it to ram into Police cars and at Police officers in an attempt to get away. So yes he was ‘sat in his car’.

  6. "If every firearms officer handed in his or her gun then government couldn't function."

    They threatened that very thing. And I don't blame them.

    But now the BWV has been viewed, the family are a bit less strident... 😏

    "From the point of view of an actuary, it would seem that the occupation of "Rapper" has a very high mortality risk."

    Well, indeed! And I'd love to know which 'firearms incident' caused this vehicle to be flagged on ANPR...

    "...the Daily Fail is claiming that Kaba was still sat in the car when the shot was fired."

    Probably was. Not sure that changes anything, as anon points out.
