Friday 2 September 2022

Remove The Plank In Your Own Eye, 'Mail'...

...before you complain about the mote in the eye of another:

This woman is not male, and her son is not a girl. So why are you pandering to their delusions?


  1. Won't someone tell the child that the two fingered salute that way round means 'fuck off' - or maybe it knows.

  2. One delusion i think, in the second story. A mentally ill mother brainwashing a child since birth, to be just as mentally ill as she is
    That kind of child abuse should have serious consequences

  3. To Anom, maybe the freak little shit knows.

  4. "That kind of child abuse should have serious consequences"

    And not just to the child...

    "To Anom, maybe the freak little shit knows."

    I'm betting the answer's 'Yes'
