Thursday 8 September 2022

Why Did Anyone Bother Enhancing The DDA..?

“I have been told there were people sat on the dog and trying to get it off Izzy. The dog had its jaws locked on mum’s dog and there was no getting it off until a lad who was washing a car got his jet wash hose onto the dog and then it let go.”
William was told Izzy had been taken to the vets. When he arrived he found his mother covered in the blood of their family pet and told their pet had died as a result of the attack.

And did the police act? Reader, you know the answer, don't you? 

He said: “We were told it was not a criminal offence what happened to Izzy. The dog had got hold of mum's dog and its jaw had locked and now we are waiting to hear from the police.”

The neighbours aren't happy, as well they might not be: 

A neighbour who saw Izzy’s owner on the floor grief stricken is worried for other animals and children on the street. The neighbour has claimed this is not the first time the animal has bitten other dogs.
Julie Chandler, 58 from Hardwicke said: “I am an animal lover and I do not want to think of an animal being put down but I am aware the dog has bitten other dogs before and we are concerned for children in the area. I know there has been a petition raised because there is a dangerous dog living on our street.”

What do the lazy incompetents in blue serge have to say for themselves this time? 

A Gloucestershire Police spokesperson said: “The man in charge of the dog was issued with an interim Dog Behavioural Contract pending possible court proceedings in relation to the dog being dangerously out of control. Any court proceedings would be in line with the Jack Russell owner’s wishes and the circumstances mean it would be on the basis of a civil complaint under section 2 of the Dogs Act 1871.”

1871..?!? Aren't you aware it's now 2022 and the DDA was specifically beefed up because the police whined they needed stronger powers? 

Doesn't anyone in any of the farces have to know the law anymore? 


  1. Perhaps those affected ahould report their feelings have been hurt, as this appears to be the only thing that excites the modern police. The DDA appears to have become a joke when the 'rights' of the DDs are taken more seriously than those of people

  2. Haven't you noticed that plod never take the blame? It's been too easy, for so lomg, to blame others.

  3. Once those powerful dogs have locked jaws, they can be dealt with by either a pointy stick up the bum or a stamp on their nuts. Or shoot the ghastly things.

  4. Oh ffs, the police are totally incompetent.

  5. "Doesn't anyone in any of the farces have to know the law anymore?"

    Only insofar as it applies to hurting feelings and egos on social media - and if there is no applicable law there, they will just pretend there is.

  6. "Perhaps those affected ahould report their feelings have been hurt, as this appears to be the only thing that excites the modern police. "


    "Or shoot the ghastly things."

    Difficult in this country. Unless you walk your dog in Brixton or Liverpool!

    "...and if there is no applicable law there, they will just pretend there is."

    On camera, too! Which shows you the calibre of people they are recruiting now...
