Tuesday 25 October 2022

I Thought The 'SO' Bit Stood For 'Support Officer'...

...not 'Sex Offender':
A community police support officer asked a woman when she last had sex after she called up to complain about a noisy neighbour.
Kent PCSO Thomas Daley, 49, told the woman he was married but did not have sex with his wife after she made the routine call in 2020.


‘You chose to do what you did because I was vulnerable. You don’t deserve to be in a position that is there to protect people.
Daley has since resigned as a PCSO and now works as a security guard.

Who'd hire him?!? 

Daley was sentenced to eight months’ imprisonment suspended for two years, during which time he must carry out 150 hours unpaid work in the community. He must also attend 20 days of rehabilitation activity.

What a waste of money that will be... 


  1. You clean nothing with filth. Its employment in the operation is plain stupidity, wishful thinking or a combination of the failings.

  2. In the (now long) past I might have judged him. Now, truthfully, I no longer care to.

    So she was “vulnerable” because of a noisy neighbour FFS. So it was inappropriate (especially as a police support officer on a job), but what’s the betting she was ‘using her feminine wiles’ to get the outcome she wanted (whatever the facts), and he just misread the situation? (looking at the photos I suspect the real issue was he wasn’t Brad Pitt and didn’t have enough cash, unlike the amount she’ll get from a her convenient fainting act). Stupid, definitely. A bit creepy, probably. Naive in the extreme, beyond doubt. But a crime? Not a chance. (If you disagree, please cite a singe instance where a female officer would, let alone has, faced the same, with a male 'victim'. If he'd actually violently raped her, he wouldn't have been treated, or sentenced, to more. Think about that).

    The simple fact is, rather than believe all women, I now automatically assume any, and all, women are manipulative, mercenary, liars (and 9 times out of ten I’m proven, not just right, but wildly optimistic).

    As it is now I, like many men, automatically ‘do a Pence’ – never, ever, place myself in a situation where a woman can claim, without independent witnesses (and preferably both multiples of such, and video footage), anything, and simply never allow a situation where I am alone with one … ever.

    There will soon become a time where no man will approach, aid, talk to or even acknowledge a woman (not his family member), for his own safety (as a former medic and nurse I already ‘walk away’ when I see a lone woman injured and no-one around trustworthy to be an independent chaperone. As troubling to my conscience as that is, the risk is just too great).

    So how will all you “strong, independent” women cope when no man will even approach, provide a service to, let alone support and protect you? Not well, I suspect. And as obnoxious, manipulative, mercenary and hypocritical a group of frauds, no one deserves what will happen to you more.

  3. We seem to be living in a situation where one could very accurately change the song lyrics 'if you want to know the time ask a policeman' to 'If you want to find a nonce, he's a policeman'

  4. A suitable song to listen to while reading this is "Footsteps Fall." Preferably sung by Eddi Reader.

  5. Seems to me he met a bit he fancied made a pathetic approach and was rebuffed. Why was he prosecuted? He didn't force himself on her nor stalk her.

    I didn't realise it was illegal to be a dork.

    Our justice system is totally screwed.

  6. I agree with poster numbers 2 and 5. He was just being a bit of a plonker, we've all been knocked back at some point. My attitude has always been that there's plenty of fish in the sea.

  7. "In the (now long) past I might have judged him. Now, truthfully, I no longer care to."

    And isn't that an example of the havoc the #MeToo movement and all the false accusers have wreaked on us?

    "There will soon become a time where no man will approach, aid, talk to or even acknowledge a woman (not his family member), for his own safety ..."

    Islamic codes by the back door..?

    "We seem to be living in a situation where one could very accurately change the song lyrics 'if you want to know the time ask a policeman' to 'If you want to find a nonce, he's a policeman'"


    "I didn't realise it was illegal to be a dork."

    It's a fine line.
