Wednesday 26 October 2022

Shouldn't His First Priority Be...

...the country for which he's now Prime Minister..?

Both of Sunak's predecessors Boris Johnson and Liz Truss had vocally promised full support to war-torn Ukraine and on Tuesday evening the new Prime Minister said the UK's support would be as 'strong as ever' under his leadership.
Calling it a 'privilege' to speak to Mr Zelensky, who had earlier sent him congratulations, Mr Sunak tweeted: 'Both he and the Ukrainian people can count on the UK's continued solidarity and support.
'We will always stand with Ukraine.'

How nice... 


  1. 'We will always stand with Ukraine."
    You do that even if by saying so you reveal that you've done no research. Don't bother your little head with galloping inflation, theft levels of food and energy prices, the economy heading for the iceberg or any of those other minor irritations in THIS country.
    New shit, same smell . . .

  2. Whenever politicians, activists, etc say "We" must do something or other, what they really mean is "They" make the decision and everybody else has to pay. But they NEVER ask our opinion or permission first...
