Wednesday 5 October 2022

The Judge Is Doing Her Job, Why Aren't The Police..?

A pit bull is set to be destroyed after she attacked a woman outside her home. Missy the dog bit the woman's hand in the communal garden at her home in Gorton, causing 'a lot of bleeding'.
The dog's owner, Gary Boswell, has been jailed for 10 months after admitting being the owner of a dog which was dangerously out of control and causing injury. He has also been banned from keeping a dog for a decade.

Wow, some tough action for omce! I'm guessing this wasn't a first offence? 

Manchester Crown Court heard Missy was a 'banned breed' and had been seized by police in 2017, but Boswell had been allowed to keep her after gaining an 'exemption certificate', which included rules on how she should be kept.
Police seized the dog again the following year after reports that Missy had 'gone for' a woman and her elderly mother, knocking the older woman to the floor. No prosecution was brought and Missy returned to Boswell, prosecutor Robert Smith said.

Why not..? 

Defending, Natalie Goffe, said Missy had been let out by a friend of Boswell's. She said Missy provided 'protection' for Boswell.

From women and pensioners..? 

She said he has had 'long standing' drug issues but has been clean since last year. Ms Goffe had appealed for Boswell to be spared jail, noting the probation service believed he posed a 'low risk' of committing further offences.


But Judge Suzanne Goddard KC locked him up. "You were fully aware of the dangerous potential nature of this dog," she told him. "It's clear to me you should have exercised more control over your dog. If you choose to have a dog like that, and you have a warning about the behaviour of that dog and that dog then injuries somebody, it becomes a very serious matter." The judge also ordered that the dog should be destroyed.
She said: "It seems to me that the necessary test is made out. There will be an order for the destruction of the dog Missy."

Pity she couldn't order an investigation into the obvious dereliction of duty of the police whose lack of action resulted in a career-ending injury to this third victim... 

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