Saturday 22 October 2022

The 'Woke Parents Of The Year' Award For 2022 Is In The Bag...

A 24-year-old woman from Algeria with a history of psychiatric disorders was last week charged with the rape and murder last week of the girl, identified only as “Lola”.
Investigators have learned that the woman had overstayed a student visa and in August had received notice to leave France within 30 days.
Conservative and far-right parties have accused President Emmanuel Macron’s government of failing to enforce immigration laws, saying strict application of deportation orders could have prevented the child’s death.

And are they wrong? Reader, no-one could possibly conclude that. Could they? 

But Lola’s parents, who met Macron this week, have pleaded with politicians to stop exploiting their daughter’s death, after her photo was displayed at a far-right demonstration in Paris on Thursday.
They asked that “any use of the name and image of their child for political ends immediately cease and be removed” from the internet and in protests, their lawyers said.
The request was made so they could “honour the memory of their child in peace, respect and dignity”.

I have no words... 


  1. I’ve a post coming up on this this afternoon. I shall most certainly have words.

  2. The parents? I wonder if 'someone' has had a "quiet word" with them about what 'may' happen if they don't say such things?

    You think such things don't happen? Are you really that naive? There is a narrative to maintain, and certain parties will do (literally) anything it takes to do so. How would you react (actually, not in your fevered imagination) if you were 'encouraged' to do so?

    The question isn't if you're paranoid, but whether you are you paranoid enough (what's the current difference between a conspiracy theory and fact? A week? Two?).

  3. ‘Baroness’ Lawrence never got the email.

  4. "I shall most certainly have words."


    " I wonder if 'someone' has had a "quiet word" with them about what 'may' happen if they don't say such things?"

    I wouldn't be at all surprised..

    "‘Baroness’ Lawrence never got the email."

