Thursday 3 November 2022

Giving The Greens And Lib Dems A Run For Their Money...

Canterbury City Council is proposing to divide the city into five different districts, with drivers unable to cross between zones without being fined. Instead, the council is asking residents to drive along a new bypass, which along with other A roads, would create a ring-road style approach.
To do so, they would have to leave their current neighbourhood and re-enter their chosen location via specific, newly permitted routes. Anyone breaking the new driving rule would be hit with a fine when their movement is captured on number-plate recognition cameras, under the proposals.

What with this and the London Mayor's barmy plans, you could be forgiven for thinking the usual suspects see motorists as sheep to be fleeced anytime. Still, I suppose that's typical of the Greens or the Lib Dems or whichever crazy out of touch politicians are pushing this... 

Last week Liberal Democrat councillor Nick Eden-Green said the council has 'no real idea of what it's going to cost', adding that it could total 'about £100million'.
'The government certainly is not going to stump up the money and we can't either,' he told Canterbury City Council's cabinet at a meeting, Kent Online reported.

Oh! So, who..? 

The plan was modelled on the Belgian city of Ghent, which launched a Circulation Plan in 2017 that divided the city into six areas to cut the number of cars in the city centre. It was defended by Conservative council leader Ben Fitter-Harding, who said 'that doing nothing is not an option'.



  1. Why do they need the nonsense rules? If you build a decent bypass people will use it without being threatened with fines. Nobody wants to drive across town when you can go around it on a fast dual carriageway.

  2. At least they've moved on from using '1984' as an instruction manual, now they're taking tips from the Hunger Games too.

  3. Next up: Canterbury City Council say they are mystified at the lack of visitors to their fine city, leading to half the city centre businesses moving out of town.

  4. Well, the good citizens of Canterbury voted these clowns in,get rid of them at the next election.
    That is what my City had just done with our last Mayors green idiocies.

  5. "Nobody wants to drive across town when you can go around it on a fast dual carriageway."

    Well, quite! But if we leave decisions up to the public, they might question why we need so many local council staff.

    And that will never do!

    "At least they've moved on from using '1984' as an instruction manual, now they're taking tips from the Hunger Games too."


    "Next up: Canterbury City Council say they are mystified at the lack of visitors to their fine city, leading to half the city centre businesses moving out of town."


    "That is what my City had just done with our last Mayors green idiocies."

    I hope things improve!
