Wednesday 23 November 2022

I Have Questions...., not about foodbank use. That's the usual local newspaper story that doesn't hold up when you read beyond the panic headline. 

Did they make the only black guy in the picture sit on a child's chair, or something?!?


  1. Forced to buy at the company store?
    There is a song about that.
    16 tons on the company shelves and what do you get?

  2. Is this why the number of reduced items are more difficult to find in my local supermarket? Could it be that the person relabelling the prices is being followed by colleagues who are snapping up the bargains, leaving tofu and vegetarian crap to the rest of us?

  3. Another day older and deeper in debt.

  4. It's punishment for eating with his mouth open

  5. What bollox. The supermarket staff are doing what anyone with any sense is doing - buying cheaply where they can.

  6. When my local Tesco sold off a lot of beer cheaply, (43p a bottle), I bought up a lot of of it, and told a lady chum working there that she might like to get a few bottles for her husband if she was quick!

    Within seconds, the whole shebang of staff collected round with their staff discount cards akimbo and finished off the pile which they carried to their back-of-store hideaways!

    I must confess though, that after a month or so, watery, uninteresting San Miguel became a rather boring substitute for the real beer known as Shepherd Neame's Spitfire...

  7. I sometimes peruse the reduced shelf at Asda but it is usually stuff that I don't want and it isn't reduced that much anyway. In one case there was a fourpack of beer that had a can missing, it wasn't even reduced by 25% so it was actually more expensive. Asda do have a really good basic range, stuff that is really cheap and of perfectly acceptable quality.

  8. @ The Jannie - I regularly see Sainsbury's staff shopping at Aldi & Lidl. Perhaps they've found their products are often better, as well as cheaper. AND the checkout waiting times are usually shorter...

  9. "Forced to buy at the company store?
    There is a song about that."

    Indeed! 😂

    "Is this why the number of reduced items are more difficult to find in my local supermarket?"

    They all do something slightly differently - Waitrose & M&S sticker and leave in situ, most of the others sticker and remove to a shelf...

    "It's punishment for eating with his mouth open"


    "...watery, uninteresting San Miguel..."

    At least it wasn't Budweiser!

    "AND the checkout waiting times are usually shorter..."

    At least at Aldi & Lidl they staff the tills!
