Tuesday 1 November 2022

In What Universe Could This Be Said To Be 'A Shock'..?

Campaigners have warned for years that vast amounts of porn readily available online were having a worrying impact on children's attitudes to relationships. Half of parents fear web porn gives youngsters an unrealistic view of sex and more than half of mothers think it casts women in a poor light, according to research.

And, as the old joke goes, a totally unrealistic expectation of how quickly a plumber arrives! 


  1. Girls? Wait until their eighteenth birthday?
    Aye, right.

  2. Is it better to be misinformed or uninformed? Anyway, I seem to recall that the well thumbed porn mags that teenaged me had access to had pretty unrealistic portrayals of human sexuality too. I only looked at the pictures anyway.

  3. "Girls? Wait until their eighteenth birthday?
    Aye, right."

    Given girls mature faster, what's the odds?

    "Is it better to be misinformed or uninformed?"

    Reading the MSM, it's often both at the same time!
