Monday 21 November 2022

It's Deja Vu Again...Again!

A councillor has spoken of the harrowing moment her fingernails were ripped off in a dog attack...

Fingernails? Off, it's it usually leg or arm injuries? she posted a flyer, leaving her needing emergency surgery.


Cllr Carnac says she usually uses a posting peg when leafleting - a plastic gadget used to push post through a letterbox while avoiding any contact with unruly dogs.
She hopes her experience will serve as a “timely reminder” for dog owners to be responsible, and anyone who delivers door-to-door to be careful.

That's the thing about reminders - you have to remember them! 

A police spokesman said: "Kent Police has received a report that a woman was bitten by a dog at a property in Chestnut Drive, Sturry at around 11am on Saturday 5 November 2022.
"Enquiries into the incident are ongoing."

I doubt they are rushing... 


  1. Sorry Councillor, that was an own goal. Dogs (and their loveable colleagues, cats) are territorial and you invaded its space without an invitation.

  2. Why was she pushing her fingers so far into the letter box to even have sustained such injuries? Who does that?

  3. The Dog was at home behind a closed door. You invaded its space,tough ,you should be more careful.

  4. "... for dog owners to be responsible..."

    Sorry what? In what way was the dog owner irresponsible?

  5. "...and you invaded its space without an invitation."

    I wonder if the owner had one of those 'no junk mail' signs up? 😏

    "Why was she pushing her fingers so far into the letter box to even have sustained such injuries? Who does that?"

    An astounding number of folk, it seems!

    "Sorry what? In what way was the dog owner irresponsible?"

    Expect her to campaign for all letterboxes to have a 'cage' on the inside!
