Monday 14 November 2022

Out Of The Mouths Of Babes And Albanians...

This is not a basis for an asylum claim! Is it?
I asked Iva, 31, who was a stockbroker in Albania, why she would make such a dangerous journey in the back of a lorry.
She said: "It doesn't make sense. But when you look at Albania and the opportunities it gives to young people it will make sense.
"I just want to live in a happy environment. I just want to live in a safe environment. I want to live in a society that is well-structured and well-organised. I don't want to live in chaos anymore."

We here in the UK want those things too. How can we have them when people like you try to game the system? 

Now she's trying to register her arrival with the Home Office on its dedicated hotline - entering a system which she knows could take years to process her application.

Then fire the Home Office staff who can't process such an application and stamp it 'REJECTED' in double-quick time! 

Iva and Denis, who say they are both university educated, told us they want to speak to Sky News because of the "stigma" surrounding Albanian asylum seekers.
'"Why see migrants as a problem," Denis said. "Start to see us as worthy people."
There's nothing worthy about you. You should be on the next flight back.


  1. We have friends in Corfu where there are also a number of Albanians, as it's just over the water. We were there recently and our friends were telling us about discussions they've had with some Albanians. Apparently they have no interest in going to England because, 'We're not criminals. Only the criminals want to go'.

  2. Look up the percentage of foreign prisoners in English prisons.....Albanians are always near the top of the list in proportion to amount in the country. Says it all for such a small country.

  3. "Apparently they have no interest in going to England because, 'We're not criminals. Only the criminals want to go'."

    Shades of the ordinary, decent Romanians and well-known issues with the Roma?

    "Albanians are always near the top of the list in proportion to amount in the country. Says it all for such a small country."

    Bucko's anecdote would seem to show why it's out of proportion...
