Wednesday 9 November 2022

There Are No Winners...

A school is changing how it picks players for its football team.

OK, I'm not the greatest football fan, and my knowledge of the offside rule is non-existent, but...don't you pick the best players for each position?

I mean, how else could it be done?  

Saltdean Primary School has announced that instead of having trials to select players for its football team, they will pick players with a range of footballing abilities. Where teams are over-subscribed, players will be picked out of a hat.

Ha ha ha ha ha...! 

Oh, wait. They're serious? 

One concerned parent, who did not wish to be named, said: “My child was really upset. He plays outside of school but he wants to represent the school.
“It feels like if you’re achieving in sport there’s no celebration of that. There’s a handful of parents who feel very strongly about this.
“When you think of the success of the Lionesses this year it doesn’t make sense.”

Only a handful of parents are concerned? That's, frankly, far more concerning than the bonkers woke decision by the school, isn't it? 


  1. Well it is Brighton. What do you expect?

  2. The staff are selected on the same basis.
    We're doomed, An tell ye, doo-oomed.

  3. It's like the Pirates of Penzance.

    "Well, then, it is my duty, as a pirate, to tell you that you are too tender-hearted.

    For instance, you make a point of never attacking a weaker party than yourselves, and when you attack a stronger party you invariably get thrashed."

  4. The unsaid basis?

    There are too may of those (toxic, aggressive, larval patriarchal rapist) white British boys on the team and, as they have done everywhere else, they must remove the 'unfair' meritocratic system to make it so that females, ethnics and those with mental health issues get access to all the status and money involved (whilst punishing, and hopefully destroying the lives of, those horrible whities at the same time).

    In any purely meritocratic system, white males 'will' always prevail, and they know it (which is why they hate it, and work so assiduously to destroy anything approaching it), so the only (and preferred) option is to exclude them, whilst giving preferential treatment to 'favoured' demographics (putting a large 'thumb' on the scales of reality).

    We are told that "boys are failing" left, right and centre, at all ages, in all areas of life. The big lie is that they aren't, they never were, they were and are being targetted (as here, from birth).

    That the team will be completely useless and consistently lose will be seen (by the deluded feminazis) as 'evidence' of a wider patriarchy and so 'all' teams will then targetted for similar 'equality' as a bonus, undermining any faith in ... anything for those boys, and allowing more power and influence for the Karen's.

    Whilst (I assume, although I don't see much evidence) there are some normal women out there, a simple assumption (proven again and again, without fail) is that if you allow women power and influence, anywhere, in anything, it will always lead to this every time.

  5. "Well it is Brighton. What do you expect?"

    Good point!

    "It's like the Pirates of Penzance."


    "We are told that "boys are failing" left, right and centre, at all ages, in all areas of life. The big lie is that they aren't, they never were, they were and are being targetted (as here, from birth)."

    Spot on!
