Tuesday 8 November 2022

What More Evidence Do You Need..?

Police have seized the dog and another belonging to the same owner. They remain in police kennels. A 56-year-old woman was interviewed under caution on October 18 but no arrests have been made so far. A spokesperson for the Metropolitan Police said its enquiries are ongoing.

Another triumph for the 'nanny dog'. Perhaps this was the sort of 'nanny' they really mean when they use this phrase? 

The mother had been watching from inside when her neighbour's dog was released into the area without a lead or muzzle on and charged directly at Elsie. The children ran to a wall and climbed to safety but Elsie fell over as they ran which allowed the dog to grab her by the face.

At which point, did the mother not remember that her kitchen was full of razor-sharp utensils? 

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