Wednesday 14 December 2022

10 Months Is, I Suppose, Better Than Nothing...

Referring to the Facebook post, Mr Booth said: 'There were comments along the lines of the dog going for other dogs and cats.
'Somewhat ironically [the girl's] grandmother was to say to the defendant she had not personally had any knowledge of that.
'I say ironically, because having gone from no knowledge of the behaviour of the defendant's dog, the grandma of [the girl] had a very clear, up close and personal experience of what the dog was capable of.'

It was lucky the child wasn't killed.  

The court heard witnesses who saw the incident tried to help the family, with a combination of punching, pinching and kicking before it eventually let go.

Before, hopefully, they started in on the idiot chav owner? 

Addressing Garner, Judge William Ashworth said: 'There was never any intention for you to harm this very young girl.
'I am concerned about your attitude following the incident, where you said "although the dog looks evil, it's a big donut" - this speaks of your attitude.
'It was a very powerful, very large dog that should have been at the very least muzzled in a harness and on a proper lead.
'This dog presented a risk that a responsible owner would have realised.'

If only it had had one. Still, I'm sure after ten years are up, she'll be one. Won't she? 


  1. It's about time that people like this woman were whipped in public.

  2. "It's about time that people like this woman were whipped in public."

    People will start taking the law into their own hands before long.
