Friday 23 December 2022

Is This Headline News Because It's So Rare?

The probation officer who judged Damien Bendall, who has been jailed for life for murdering three children and his pregnant partner, to be “medium” rather than “high risk” has reportedly been sacked for gross misconduct.

Because this sort of action to remove civil servants and local authority staff who screw up usually takes place months and months after the trial, if indeed it ever happens at all... 

The chief inspector of probation has been asked to carry out a full review of the case by the Ministry of Justice. It is believed the report will be published in the new year.

Any signs they are preparing their excuses already? 

Sources within the probation service told the Telegraph that the officer who compiled the pre-sentence report failed to access all the available background information on Bendall. Details are entered on to the Offender Assessment System (Oasys), which calculates an offender’s risk. It can take up to eight or nine hours to carry out.
A source within the probation service said: “The risk assessment came out lower than it should have been. He should have been flagged as ‘high risk of harm’ but he was graded ‘medium risk’ instead. As a result, he was allocated to a trainee – it wouldn’t have happened if he’d been ‘high risk’.”

Aha! It was all the fault of the computer! 


  1. So it's a computer algorythm that determines risk? That's reassuring

  2. Targeted advertising is a good window into the effectiveness of computer algorithms. I'm pretty much resigned to the fact that my phone knows everything about me, it is currently trying to sell me a hairdryer. I suppose it would be useful if I had hair.

  3. Just one probation officer? Scapegoating. In my view there has to have been more than one person responsible - unless he did it corruptly..

  4. Stonyground. You don't necessarily need hair. I have one for cleaning the inside of PCs and other small electrical doodads

  5. "So it's a computer algorythm that determines risk? That's reassuring"

    Well, quite! What about the Mark I Eyeball? Shouldn't that produce better results?

    "Targeted advertising is a good window into the effectiveness of computer algorithms."

    I particularly like, when I've bought some big item like a new fridge or PC, the 'would you like to buy a new fridge or PC' ads!

    "Just one probation officer? Scapegoating. In my view there has to have been more than one person responsible - unless he did it corruptly.."

    Well, quite! Who managed him/her? And who audited them?

    "I have one for cleaning the inside of PCs..."

    I'd never have thought of that! On 'cool' setting, I assume?
