Monday 26 December 2022

"It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like...."

Fill in the blank:
There have been reports of a serious incident at a holiday park in Devon overnight which has forced families to leave the site on Christmas Day.
A spokesperson for Devon and Cornwall Police couldn't discose full details at this stage but could confirm there was an incident and that officers remained at the site this morning.

Hmmm, why so close-mothed? To social media! 

I noticed trouble brewing yesterday (Christmas Eve) afternoon when I walked to the local shop where the store assistant said lads had been in and out stealing. They were very intimidating. Some stolen items even fell out of one lad’s pockets in the shop - but he refused to pay for them.

Some people just do as they likey, don't they..? 


  1. An ex Police colleague who lived in Devon, and whose daughter is a Police officer there, understands that Caravan Utilising Nomadic Travellers were involved, some allegedly booking caravans and then inviting other members of their families to visit. Those who booked apparently had access tickets for the club house and the rest tried to force their way in.
    I was shocked to hear this, as behaviour like this is untypical of this breed who, I am sure, were just trying to share the Christmas spirit.

  2. "There was significant disorder at the Welcome Family Holiday Park in Dawlish Warren during the early hours of December 25. Police are investigating a GBS [Grievous Bodily Harm] related to the disturbance. Police presence in the area will remain highly visible for the next 24 hours to respond to community concerns."

    The fuzz, meanwhile, can't even initialise properly the offence they are meant to be investigating. They will, though, be "highly visible" as they travel quickly past any likely sources of increased paperwork.

  3. "...and the rest tried to force their way in.

    I was shocked to hear this, as behaviour like this is untypical of this breed..."

    Indeed, indeed...😏

    "The fuzz, meanwhile, can't even initialise properly the offence they are meant to be investigating."

    Well, it's a toss-up whether it was a police error or that of the 'journalist', really...
