Saturday 17 December 2022

No Surprises...

Remember this...? Turned out not to be a Labrador again. Imagine my shock!

Officers attended, including specially trained firearms officers, alongside paramedics from the Welsh Ambulance Service, an 83-year-old woman was taken to hospital with life threatening injuries, where she remains.
Gwent Police said that the dog, a large black XL bully cross cane corso breed, was seized by officers and has been destroyed. No other animals were involved in the attack.

Why send armed officers and not let them do what they are paid to do, and resolve the issue then and there? 

Four people have been arrested on suspicion of being in charge of a dog dangerously out of control causing injury. The people arrested are a 20-year-old man, 25-year-old man, 31-year-old man, and a 28-year-old woman, all from the Caerphilly area.
They have all been released under conditional bail.

Wonder if they will ever face charges? 

Detective Chief Inspector Matthew Sedgebeer said: 'Officers will be making further enquiries as the investigation progresses.
'It is possible that you may see ongoing police activity in Caerphilly as part of this work, but please do not be alarmed.
He added: 'If you have concerns or any information regarding this dog and its previous behaviour then please do stop and talk with us. '

Wonder if this animal has a local history of concerning incidents like all the others? And if previous reports have gone unactioned... 


  1. Almost any dog, of any breed, can be aggressive and dangerous if owned and mistreated by yobs. A few exemplary sentences would not go amiss.

  2. "Almost any dog, of any breed, can be aggressive and dangerous if owned and mistreated by yobs."

    Yes, but even an elderly woman can fight off a Jack Russell or spaniel. These things are in a very different category.

    And often are treated well, right up until the point they go berserk.
