Saturday 31 December 2022

Quote Of The Month

Fahrenheit211 on the sad demise of the 'Guardian' as a newspaper of repute:

"Instead they cleaved to the cult of trans and treated as Holy Writ the dangerous and fact light pronouncements of the promoters of gender ideology. By doing so the Guardian management took a once great newspaper and sold its soul to a cult in order to be able to virtue signal their ‘niceness’. They had the story of the decade under their noses but ignored it because trans groups basically told them to do so. If the Guardian survives in its present form then maybe future media historians will point to the Guardian’s embrace of the cult of trans with the same level of criticism that is today reserved for those Western journalists who in the 1920’s and 1930’s became apologists and mouthpieces for Joseph Stalin."


  1. Could someone please point to that time ('once') when the Guardian was a great newspaper? Or does that 'once' mean a single issue?

    My late father also used to say that it was fuck all use for lighting fires with - back in the day of open coal fires, lit with newspaper and some pieces of wood.

  2. "Could someone please point to that time ('once') when the Guardian was a great newspaper? Or does that 'once' mean a single issue?"

    When it was 'CiF' it was fun...but now comment isn't free, or allowed!

  3. "reserved for those Western journalists who in the 1920’s and 1930’s became apologists and mouthpieces for Joseph Stalin."

    To be frank I don't see much criticism of those 20's and 30's journalists. The Daily Mail will never be forgiven for giving support to ex Labour politician Oswald Moseley but the numerous people who actively or passively supported the USSR are still given free passes.
