Saturday 3 December 2022

So...Where Were You?

Ethan's father Luke Turvey welcomed the sentence of his former partner.
Writing on Facebook he said: 'So a long four and a half years has finally finished today, Stacey Davis has gone to prison for two years for cruelty and neglect of my son Ethan.
'Me and my family are extremely emotional and happy that she got what she deserved. And for anyone who backed her and stood up for her I hope you feel like complete and utter idiots and I hope you feel ashamed of yourselves, she is a child abuser and has paid the price by going to prison.'
Why was your son left with her? How can a single mother afford a car, mobile phone, cannabis habit, etc? Who thinks a two year sentence (which she won't serve in full, they never do) is fit punishment?

So many questions.


  1. I've just read the article and nowhere does it say it's the police's fault. I'm flabbergasted.

  2. The thing all these fathers never say is what they were doing at the time. Was this bloke actually living in the house with and providing for the mother and baby or did he just consider her a good screw when he felt like it which is most likely?

  3. As someone who hasn’t spoken, or even seen, my own son in close to 20 years, maybe, just maybe, he’s like so many other men, like me – excluded (despite multiple ignored and unenforced court orders over the years), alienated and demonised.

    He ‘may’ be just some “baby-daddy” but it’s just (maybe more) likely that either he didn’t find out he was a father until afterwards, or was kept away as, let’s be honest, the absolute majority of young women have a major issue with any of those implicit and explicit reciprocities in a ‘relationship, and … ‘Daddy State’ will give her (his or more likely our) money without strings.

    So? If (not a given) he even had minimal access to his child, you really think if even a miniscule part of the blame could be laid at his door (even by stretching reality to breaking point) they wouldn’t have jumped at it, and he’d be sentenced to decades in prison?

    The odds are that he’s merely some convenient sperm-donor used to get her her benefits, pining for a child, he would have possibly cared for, ‘given’ to a patently unsuitable woman (because as every feminazi knows, any woman, even an alcoholic, drug-addled, sociopath is better than any man, and besides children are … a woman’s property to use and abuse and do with as she wishes).

    But … as in all things (even here). When a man fails or commits a crime, ‘he’ is at fault. When a woman fails or commits an identical (or worse) crime, the nearest available man is at fault.

    “Equality, I do not think that word means what you (women, blacks, gays, etc.) think it means”

  4. A friend of mine's ex-wife got custody even though the judge accepted that she beat the children so I can believe that it wasn't the father's fault.

  5. "I've just read the article and nowhere does it say it's the police's fault."

    If only the 'Guardian' had covered it, eh?

    "Was this bloke actually living in the house with and providing for the mother and baby..."

    I'm guessing the answer's 'no'. It almost always is in these cases.

    "...maybe, just maybe, he’s like so many other men, like me – excluded..."

    Yes, that's a distinct possibility, but usually, there's some mention of relationship breakdown, as a further excuse.

    Doesn't mean there wasn't a mention that didn't get picked up, of course, 'journalism' being what it is these days.

    "...even though the judge accepted that she beat the children..."

    I wish I could be surprised still... ☹
